
As it is known, our country has joined the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were approved by United Nations Member States at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit held on 25-27 September 2015 and adopted through the relevant resolution of the UN General Assembly. Thus, an efficient national implementation mechanism has been formed in our country, bearing in mind that implementation of the globally crucial 17 goals and 169 targets included in the “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and production of high-quality, current and reliable statistical data on 244 indicators require a holistic approach. 


In accordance with the 6 October 2016 Decree #1066 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the National Coordination Council for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in which the leaderships of the relevant state agencies (including the State Statistical Committee) are represented, was set up under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Ali Ahmadov, its activities were organised efficiently, the tasks lying ahead in this area were specified, national priorities and their indicators that correspond to the global goals and targets and are of importance to Azerbaijan until 2030 were defined, an implementation and reporting mechanism on achieving SDGs at national level was established, and the state programmes and strategies covering socio-economic areas in the country were brought in line with SDGs.


The tasks arising out of the above-mentioned Decree act as a catalyst for the main directions of the reforms to be undertaken in our country in the field of sustainable development. In this regard, regular monitoring of the progress that will be made on SDGs and mass communication of information to users through more effective methods using modern technological tools set the stage for organising distribution of information at the level of modern requirements. In this context, enhancement of statistical capacity is one of the key tasks.


Specifically, in order to ensure improved provision of information and further acceleration of the reforms of the national statistical system for assessment of the state of achievement of the targets and priorities set forth, during the development of the “State Programme on the development of the official statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2018-2025,” the relevant paragraphs thereof were brought into full conformity with SDGs and it was approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of 14 February 2018.


Establishment of online reporting platforms in countries as a means of effective communication to inform the public about the state of implementation of the Agenda 2030 at national level and the progress that will be made on the goals and targets has been identified as an important measure in the roadmap on SDGs of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. In this regard, public disclosure of statistical data and country reports on the achievement of SDGs has made it inevitable to create a national statistical database and internet portal. 


Due to the existing necessity and in order to provide detailed information on SDGs to the general public at both global and national levels and to monitor the state of achievement of SDGs at national level and inform the public thereof, at the initiative of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan and in the framework of the “State Programme on the development of the official statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2018-2025,” the National Information Portal on Sustainable Development Goals of the Republic of Azerbaijan was set up with the financial support of the UNDP Office in Azerbaijan and placed on the server of the State Statistical Committee at the web address of sdg.azstat.org.  


The portal will be used to publish data on SDGs through text, graphical illustrations, tables and videos. To ensure better comprehension and absorption of statistical data, these data can be visualised through graphics and charts making them significantly easy, visible and understandable, several indicators from different years can be contrasted, and the dynamics of change can be described.


The portal will ensure convenient access to various detailed information on each goal, target and their indicators. This information resource can be used for regular familiarisation with global goals, targets and indicators, national priorities on SGDs, existing legal framework, mechanisms for implementation, state programmes implemented in social, economic and environmental areas, strategies, important measures, reports, publications and scientific research work.


This single national online source of information, which is available in Azerbaijani and English languages, will create a favourable information environment to inform the public, including state agencies, private sector, scientific and educational institutions, civil society institutions, mass media outlets, and regional and international organisations about knowledge, best practices, implemented measures and new developments in the field of SDGs.