15.1.2 Proportion of specially protected areas in the total nature territory of the country, in percentage[1]
Despite the fact that the percentage of specially protected areas to the total nature territory of the country has remained constant since 2012, compared to 2017 in 2018-2019, there is a slight increase as 0.3 thousand hectares in the area of specially protected nature territory (the areas of state nature reserves and state nature sanctuaries decreased 88.4 thousand hectares and 10.4 thousand hectares, respectively, and the area of state nature parks increased 99.1 thousand hectares).

By the end of 2019, due to preservation and reproduction of flora and fauna there were 10 state nature reserves[2] with a total area of 120.7 thousand hectares, 10 national parks[3] with a total area of 421.4 thousand hectares and 24 state nature sanctuaries[4] with a total area of 350.8 thousand hectares existed in the country.
[1] This indicator defined as in the UN Global Indicator Framework “15.1.2 Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type”. The indicator is presented in publication in the national context.
[2] State nature reserves-are territories with the status of nature protection and scientific enterprise or organization, designed due to preserve specific and unique natural complexes and objects in the natural form, to study the course of natural processes and events.
National parks- are areas where special environmental, historical, aesthetic and other significant nature complexes are located and have the status of nature protection and scientific institution or organization are used for environmental protection, education, scientific, cultural and other purposes.
State nature sanctuaries -are the areas had significant importance for the preservation or restoration of nature complexes or their components, as well as the preservation of ecological balance.