Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
İndicator 6.3.1 Proportion of domestic and industrial wastewater flows safely treated

The following figure (s) and year (s) should be selected to look at statistical information.
   6.3.1 Proportion of domestic and industrial wastewater flows safely treated
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Source: Indicator is calculated on the basis of the data collected through the annual official statistical report form No. 2-TG (water economy) on the use of water.

  • National metadata
  • Additional methodological material
The following table describes the metadata developed in accordance with the structure of United Integrated Metadata (SIS 2.0).
İndicator name: Proportion of domestic and industrial wastewater flows safely treated
1 1 Contact
1.1 Contact organisation The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
1.2 Contact organisation unit
Department of Energy and Environment Statistics
1.3 Contact name Emil Mammadov
1.4 Contact person function Head of the department of energy and environment statistics
1.5 Contact mail address Baku-Az1136, Inshaatchilar Avenue 81
1.6 Contact email address emil.mammadov@stat.gov.az
1.7 Contact phone number  +994123771070 (ex 2224)
1.8 Contact fax number  +99412 538 24 42
2 1 Metadata update
2.1 Metadata last certified 18/01/2023
2.2 Metadata last posted 18/01/2023
2.3 Metadata last update 26/08/2024
3 1 Statistical presentation
3.1 Data description This figure indicates the specific weight of the treated wastewater in the total volume of discharged water.
3.2 Classification system Classification on Economic Activity Types
3.3 Sector coverage Section E - Water supply; Treatment of dirty water and waste
3.4 Statistical concepts and definitions To calculate this indicator, the volume of treated wastewater (at or in the ground) is divided by the total volume of waste water. Information on the treatment of domestic waste water will be obtained from the Multipurpose Indicator 6.2.1. Information on industrial wastewater volume can be calculated on the basis of inventories of industrial enterprises. This information is available in most member states in case of disaggregation, in accordance with the classification of the ISI.
3.5 Statistical unit Legal entities
3.6 Statistical population The main indicator covered by the indicator is farms using water throughout the country. The data is obtained by the complete observation method.
3.7 Reference area Republic
3.8 Time coverage It covers all the years since 2000.
3.9 Base period 2015
4 1 Unit of measure percentage
5 1 Reference period
6 1 Institutional mandate
6.1 Legal acts and other agreements The UN Economic Commission for Europe "Ecological Indicators and Evaluation Reports"
6.2 Data sharing Indicator is calculated on the basis of data submitted to the State Statistical Committee by the Amelioration and Water Management OJSC (based on 2-TG (water economy) report)
7 1 Confidentiality
7.1 Confidentiality - policy

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Official Statistics" (Article 15), provision of primary data is prohibited. http://www.stat.gov.az/menu/3/Legislation/law_az.pdf  Access to microdata by the Chairman of the State Statistical Committee It is regulated according to the "Rules for providing users with micro-data for research purposes" approved on 13.06.2011. http://www.stat.gov.az/menu/6/personal_info/micro_inf.pdf "How to work with personal data, how to protect their privacy" approved by the order of the State Statistical Committee No. 7/02s dated February 19, 2014 needed?" There is a manual called. http://www.stat.gov.az/menu/6/personal_info/personal_information.pdf Protection of the confidentiality of primary (personal) data is reflected in the policy document of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of protection of confidential statistical data. http://www.stat.gov.az/menu/2/quality/az/mexfilik.pdf


7.2 Confidentiality - data treatment In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On official statistics", the preliminary data are considered confidential and may only be used for scientific purposes in the formulation of official statistical materials or anonymity of the statistical unit in exceptional circumstances (removal of means that permit recognition).
8 1 Release policy
8.1 Release calendar It is carried out on the basis of statistical data and the approved spreadsheet. The information is posted on the official website of the Committee.
8.2 Release calendar access The broadcasting calendar is posted on the Committee's website on the Electronic Services section. The entry is open to all users and is not subject to any restrictions. (http://www.stat.gov.az/menu/4/publications/)
8.3 User access The broadcasting calendar is posted on the Committee's website on the Electronic Services section. The entry is open to all users and is not subject to any restrictions. http://www.stat.gov.az/menu/6/dissemination_policy/DissPolicy_az_2014.pdf
9 1 Frequency of dissemination
10 1 Accessibility and clarity
10.1 News release It is spread both in paper and electronic versions.
10.2 Publications The official website of the Committee is available in English and Azerbaijani languages
10.3 On-line database https://www.stat.gov.az/source/environment/
10.4 Micro-data access Access to micro-data is prohibited. Only preliminary information can be used in accordance with the "Rules for issuing micro-data to users for use in research purposes" approved by the Chairman of the State Statistical Committee only on 13.06.2011.
10.5 Other The "e-services" section of the website, including user queries, including electronic surveys. http://www.azstat.org/xidmetler/st_melumat/
10.6 Documentation on methodology The methodology for the "Particular weight of safely treated wastewater" submitted by the United Nations Human Resource Program and the World Health Organization
10.7 Quality documentation Quality documents: http://www.stat.gov.az/menu/2/quality/
11 1 Quality management
11.1 Quality assurance

The State Statistical Committee implements the quality management system in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001. In 2013 the external audit of the quality management system was conducted in the State Statistical Committee, and in August of the same year for the first time ISO 9001:2008 international certificate of conformity was obtained in the direction of "Production and dissemination of official statistical data". After a major change of the international standard in 2015, all documents of the quality management system were redesigned in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015. According to the results of certification audit conducted on March 09-10, 2017, the apparatus of The State Statistical Committee and 13 local statistical offices where QMS is applied, and then the apparatus of the State Statistics Committee according to the results of recertification audit conducted on March 02-06, 2020 and another 17 local statistical offices where QMS is applied, then according to the results of recertification audit conducted on February 13-17, 2023, the apparatus of the State Statistics Committee and 45 local statistical offices where QMS "Production and dissemination of official statistical data" is applied, have received the international certificate of conformity 9001:2015 in the direction of "Production and dissemination of official statistics". http://stat.gov.az/menu/2/quality/en/sertifikat_ISO_9001_2015.pdf


11.2 Quality assessment

On the basis of the “Audit Program” approved annually, internal audits are carried out in the departments of the Office and in the local statistical bodies where the GIS is applied. Audit teams are formed to conduct audits and an individual audit plan is approved for each structural unit. The audit team conducts inspections in accordance with the audit plan. Internal monitoring of quality aspects in the State Statistics Committee is carried out in a centralized manner by the authorized structural unit (Quality Management and Metadata Department) and an annual “Analysis by Management” document is prepared and submitted to the management based on the results of audits. The members of the audit team (auditors) are instructed before each audit by the auditor general, as well as through seminars organized at least once a year. The activity of the State Statistics Committee is “Quality management systems. Requirements ”ISO 9001: 2015 is one of the strongest strengths. Increased workload due to incomplete transition to electronic documentation and parallel paperwork, late adaptation of staff (employees) to the requirements of the new standards are the weakest weaknesses.


12 1 Relevance
12.1 User needs Public authorities, research centers, students, and citizens are key users. In many studies, it is reported that information is required for scientific research and writing of diploma works.
12.2 User satisfaction Online surveys are regularly held on the website of the Committee in order to find out the user's satisfaction and the last online survey on "Providing Users with Statistical Information" was posted on the website  (http://www.stat.gov.az/source/others/sorqu-yekun_07.12.2016.pdf)
12.3 Completeness The information is fully covered in full
13 1 Accuracy and reliability
13.1 Overall accuracy Observed price is in full agreement with the actual price
13.2 Sampling error There is no qualifying error as the information is generated as a result of general observation
13.3 Non-sampling error

Non-sampling error is carried out in accordance with the "Rules for classification and elimination of errors in the reporting data" approved by the decision of the State Statistics Committee No. 9/3 dated October 30, 2019. https://www.stat.gov.az/menu/2/quality/az/00_5.pdf


14 1 Timeliness and punctuality
14.1 Timeliness There are 92 calendar days and 61 business days between the end date of the report period and the publication date.
14.2 Punctuality Water collection and dissemination are carried out in accordance with the Statistical Work Program. Delays in the broadcast schedule and schedule have not been observed.
15 1 Coherence and comparability
15.1 Comparability - geographical It is comparable to the relevant indicators of other countries
15.2 Comparability - over time
The final data are available from 2015 and there were no breaks in the dynamics series.
15.3 Coherence - cross domain There is no connection to other statistics on the statistics
15.4 Coherence - internal Significant differences may arise between initial information on water use indicators (natural sources, water consumption, waste water, cycle water recycling, water loss during transport, etc.).
16 1 Cost and burden In the upcoming years, data on the annual official statistical reporting form of 2-TG (water economy) will allow the observation units and department staff to save time, to get timely and quality information, and to adapt to modern conditions. Refusal to receive report data on paper carriers will also reduce the burden on the department staff and the respondents.
17 1 Data revision
17.1 Data revision - policy Data Specification Policy The revised version of the statistical data on the main statistical indicators, approved by the Decree of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 10.05.2016, was amended according to the Regulation. This document is open to the public and posted on the Committee's website in the Statistical Publications section.  http://www.stat.gov.az/menu/6/information_regulations/reg_05_2016.pdf
17.2 Data revision - practice Reporting information is immediately checked, corrections are made when errors are discovered, and statistical instructions are mandatory.
18 1 Statistical processing
18.1 Source data Information on the use of water is collected through the official statistical report number 2-TG (water economy). The source is farms using water.
18.2 Frequency of data collection annually
18.3 Data collection Information is available on paper carriers.
18.4 Data validation Monitoring of data compilation results and quality assurance of statistical results are carried out.
18.5 Data compilation Changes in water consumption data are subject to change. Impact is not based on the nature of the work.
18.6 Adjustment

No seasonal adjustments are made
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