Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
İndicator 8.6.1 Proportion of youth (aged 15–24 years) not in education, employment or training

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  • National metadata
  • Additional methodological material
The following table describes the metadata developed in accordance with the structure of United Integrated Metadata (SIS 2.0).
İndicator name: Proportion of youth (aged 15–24 years) not in education, employment or training
1 1 Contact
1.1 Contact organisation
State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
1.2 Contact organisation unit Department of Labour Statistics
1.3 Contact name Nemat Khuduzada
1.4 Contact person function Head of Department of Labour Statistics
1.5 Contact mail address Baku-AZ1136, Inshaatchilar Avenue
1.6 Contact email address
1.7 Contact phone number +99412 3771070 (2208)
1.8 Contact fax number +99412 538 24 42
2 1 Metadata update
2.1 Metadata last certified 25.06.2024
2.2 Metadata last posted 25.06.2024
2.3 Metadata last update 25.06.2024
3 1 Statistical presentation
3.1 Data description The indicator expresses the specific weight of the 15-24 years old population who do not work, do not study or undergo vocational training in the total population of that age. 
3.2 Classification system • Classification of Economic Activities (IFN); • Occupational classification; • Classification of property types; • Administrative division classification; • National Education Classification
3.3 Sector coverage Surveillance covers all sectors of the economy. The main indicators that characterize the labor market are labor, unemployment, economic unemployment, working hours, employment status, types of economic activity, trade unions, etc., as well as age, gender, and socio-demographic characteristics. , education, housing and marital status. 
3.4 Statistical concepts and definitions The proportion of young people (ages 15-24) not in employment, education or training (also known as the "NEET rate") is defined as the ratio of the number of young people not in employment, education or training to the total youth population.
3.5 Statistical unit Surveillance Unit - Unemployed Reporting Unit - selected households and their members to be included in the qualifying examination
3.6 Statistical population The general population includes all the unemployed and uneducated population aged 15-24 as defined by national legislation.
3.7 Reference area The Republic of Azerbaijan and its economic and administrative regions
3.8 Time coverage The unemployed population has been calculated on the basis of the methodology of the International Labor Organization since 2003. Until 2003, the state employment agencies registered only those who received the status of unemployed.
3.9 Base period 2022
4 1 Unit of measure percentage
5 1 Reference period annually
6 1 Institutional mandate
6.1 Legal acts and other agreements The legal document for collection of information is the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Official Statistics".
6.2 Data sharing Other administrative data sources are not used to calculate the unemployed population, and only the State Statistical Committee participates in its calculation.
7 1 Confidentiality
7.1 Confidentiality - policy

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Official Statistics" (Article 15), provision of primary data is prohibited.  Access to microdata by the Chairman of the State Statistical Committee It is regulated according to the "Rules for providing users with micro-data for research purposes" approved on 13.06.2011. "How to work with personal data, how to protect their privacy" approved by the order of the State Statistical Committee No. 7/02s dated February 19, 2014 needed?" There is a manual called. Protection of the confidentiality of primary (personal) data is reflected in the policy document of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of protection of confidential statistical data.

7.2 Confidentiality - data treatment It is not permitted to distribute official statistical material that discloses or discloses confidential information among users. The summary (generalized) information permitted to disclose shall contain at least three statistical information and, as such, the share of any of the statistical units shall not exceed 85%.
8 1 Release policy
8.1 Release calendar The dissemination of this indicator is based on the statistical data and the dissemination of published data.
8.2 Release calendar access The broadcasting schedule is posted on the Committee's website on the Electronic Services section. Login is open to all users and is not subject to any restrictions.
8.3 User access The State Statistical Committee has a statistical reporting policy and has been approved by Decree No 8 / 02s dated 19.02.2014.
9 1 Frequency of dissemination annually
10 1 Accessibility and clarity
10.1 News release It is both paper and electronic version.
10.2 Publications Key Indicators: "Labor Market", "Statistical Indicators of Azerbaijan", "Youth of Azerbaijan" are available on the website of the State Statistical Committee
10.3 On-line database Information about this indicator is available on the online database.
10.4 Micro-data access Access to micro-data is prohibited. Only preliminary information can be used by the Chairman of the State Statistical Committee in accordance with the "Rules for issuing micro-data to users for use in research purposes" approved on 13.06.2011.
10.5 Other Data is free for all users. Users' requests are answered electronically and in writing. Domestic and foreign users, including the International Labor Organization, the European Bureau of Statistics, and other international organizations are regularly provided with information on the results of the cooling.
10.6 Documentation on methodology Methodological explanations (only in Azerbaijani) can be found at
10.7 Quality documentation Quality report-
11 1 Quality management
11.1 Quality assurance

The State Statistical Committee implements the quality management system in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001. In 2013 the external audit of the quality management system was conducted in the State Statistical Committee, and in August of the same year for the first time ISO 9001:2008 international certificate of conformity was obtained in the direction of "Production and dissemination of official statistical data". After a major change of the international standard in 2015, all documents of the quality management system were redesigned in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015. According to the results of certification audit conducted on March 09-10, 2017, the apparatus of The State Statistical Committee and 13 local statistical offices where QMS is applied, and then the apparatus of the State Statistics Committee according to the results of recertification audit conducted on March 02-06, 2020 and another 17 local statistical offices where QMS is applied, then according to the results of recertification audit conducted on February 13-17, 2023, the apparatus of the State Statistics Committee and 45 local statistical offices where QMS "Production and dissemination of official statistical data" is applied, have received the international certificate of conformity 9001:2015 in the direction of "Production and dissemination of official statistics".

11.2 Quality assessment

On the basis of the “Audit Program” approved annually, internal audits are carried out in the departments of the Office and in the local statistical bodies where the GIS is applied. Audit teams are formed to conduct audits and an individual audit plan is approved for each structural unit. The audit team conducts inspections in accordance with the audit plan. Internal monitoring of quality aspects in the State Statistics Committee is carried out in a centralized manner by the authorized structural unit (Quality Management and Metadata Department) and an annual “Analysis by Management” document is prepared and submitted to the management based on the results of audits. The members of the audit team (auditors) are instructed before each audit by the auditor general, as well as through seminars organized at least once a year. The activity of the State Statistics Committee is “Quality management systems. Requirements ”ISO 9001: 2015 is one of the strongest strengths. Increased workload due to incomplete transition to electronic documentation and parallel paperwork, late adaptation of staff (employees) to the requirements of the new standards are the weakest weaknesses.

12 1 Relevance
12.1 User needs Main users: • Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population (MLSPP); • Ministry of Economy (IN); • Ministry of Education (TN); • State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs; Labor Organization (ILO), • International Monetary Fund (IMF), • World Bank (WB), • UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific,
12.2 User satisfaction

Users go to the official website and answer questions about the use of the main areas of statistics in the section "Request for statistical information to users". The results of this online survey are available at

12.3 Completeness The information is available and complete.
13 1 Accuracy and reliability
13.1 Overall accuracy Such an assessment has not been made. In order to increase the accuracy of information in this area, instructional seminars are held for relevant specialists of local statistical agencies, methodologies are constantly improved. At the same time, the initial data included in statistical units are logically checked.
13.2 Sampling error Observations have been processed and are not eligible
13.3 Non-sampling error

Non-sampling error is carried out in accordance with the "Rules for classification and elimination of errors in the reporting data" approved by the decision of the State Statistics Committee No. 9/3 dated October 30, 2019.

14 1 Timeliness and punctuality
14.1 Timeliness It is a process that shows the efficiency of statistical products, namely the occurrence of the event and its learning. The main objective is to disseminate information in a defined periodicity and timeliness.
14.2 Punctuality The calculation and spreading of the indicator are carried out in accordance with the "Statistical Work Program". There are no delays in the broadcast calendar and program.
15 1 Coherence and comparability
15.1 Comparability - geographical Total countrywide, as well as urban and rural areas.
15.2 Comparability - over time The final data are available from 2022.
15.3 Coherence - cross domain There is no related statistics.
15.4 Coherence - internal Significant differences may arise between initial and final information
16 1 Cost and burden Collection of information from respondents online is one of the most important steps for improving efficiency. Also, in the official statistical reports, constant work is being done to reduce the burden on respondents: for example, data for indicators that can be calculated based on different indicators are not collected. In addition, regular assessments are made to determine the indicators that are in urgency and needless.
17 1 Data revision
17.1 Data revision - policy The main procedures for the revision of the data are regulated by the "Statistical Review of Information on Key Statistical Data," approved by the Decree number 60/t of the State Statistics Committee dated 10.05.2016. This document is open to the public and posted on the Committee's website in the Statistical Publications section.
17.2 Data revision - practice Such experience is possible.
18 1 Statistical processing
18.1 Source data The initial data is generated by surveying members of households aged 15 and above who have not opted for quarterly labor inspection. The examination is based on two steps. The first step is to identify counters in the selection. These stations are randomly selected within each district. Polling stations are updated every year. The sample size is 1 per cent of the total number of households in the country as of January 1 of each year. The scope of the selection is divided in proportion to the cities and villages of the country's economic and administrative districts, and a qualifying plan is drawn up. Based on this plan, the eligibility criteria are counted and the households are selected in a simple random manner separately for each city within the boundaries of each district. The district list of households involved in the selection is drawn up. The list shows the name of the land, the name of the county, the name of the head of the household, the address, the address. 
18.2 Frequency of data collection Data are collected quarterly.
18.3 Data collection Data is obtained online.
18.4 Data validation The data collected by the local statistical bodies are monitored at the micro and macro levels, so  the households and respondents' responses to the eligibility scheme are determined by households who have been denied access to the surveyed households or respondents. At the same time, respondents who are incomplete answer to the questions provided in the questionnaire are identified. 
18.5 Data compilation If there are discrepancies during the online database observation, local statistical authorities, including interviewers, are notified about it and adjusted correctly before the end of the reporting period. Editing discrepancies in data quality monitoring is also performed at macro level, ie descriptive statistics for individual indicators are calculated at regions, regions, towns and villages. Meanwhile, the mean quantity of critical quantities, the median price, the mean value error, the standard deviation, the variation coefficient, the coefficient of stability, and so on. mathematical-statistical characteristics are defined. Indicators that are large in variation are studied for editing separately. Conditional rehabilitation (imputation) of information released during supervision is carried out by appropriate methods. Medium quantitative, near-neighbor, regression model, and so on during correction and restoration of gaps (missed figures). methods are used. Households that do not respond are considered in the recalculation of weights.
18.6 Adjustment
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